Partly Facetious: Independence Day celebrations
"I reckon the caretakers did not invite the right people for Independence Day celebrations."
"Hey, we all celebrated Independence Day celebrations and..."
"Right, but at the taxpayers' expense, and no I don't begrudge that expenditure, the Caretakers who will return to relative oblivion..."
"Relative oblivion?"
"I reckon, around 85 percent of the people of this country won't remember any caretaker cabinet member, including the Caretaker Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk, though analysts, on the electronic and print media, may mention them off and on..."
"I would go one step further... I reckon 85 percent of the people of this country never knew the names of any caretaker cabinet member and this is in spite of the obvious pleasure of the caretaker Information Minister Barrister sahib to come on the state run television and pontificate on almost daily basis..."
"Ha, ha, now you know once an Information Minister always an information minister... I mean it's extremely heady when you can, and I emphasize the word can, call a press conference at the drop of a hat and the entire press information department comes into play and telecasts your views live while also alerting private channels and print media and then the official news agency, again paid for by the tax payers, comes into play and drafts what you said and then disseminates it to all media outlets and..."
"Mushahid was the Information Minister and oh I see, he hasn't stopped talking since, the only thing that happened was the media was no longer interested in covering him when he was not part of the government..."
"Right, and then there is Parveen Rashid, sorry Parvez Rashid, and Maryam Aurengzeb - little political weight but a lot of talk."
"Ha ha, indeed anyway I would have hoped that the Caretaker Prime Minister with his green tie had stood next to the Prime Minister elect Imran Khan..."
"Oh that is Imran Khan's fault - he had no green shalwar kameez or tie, apparently the colour is unlucky and he has been warned by a spiritual..."
"Oh shush."
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